Thursday, March 1, 2007


Right now I am learning about Girl Scout Cookies, because my mom bought me a box of Tagalongs and a box of Samoas. Score! Apparently selling cookies is supposed to teach the Girl Scouts life skills, such as responsibility, teamwork, money management, and customer service. I don't think I learned any of those things when I sold Girl Scout Cookies, personally. I learned that there is always one little shit whose dad will sell a crapload of cookies at his work and then that girl will get all the best prizes even though she didn't sell any cookies at all. Uh...anyway. The first cookie sale ever was in 1917. Wow. That's a lot of cookies. Commercial bakers didn't start producing the cookies until 1936. Thin Mints are like the one cookie that is made by both Girl Scout bakeries (you get different cookies depending on which part of the country you live in) and basically never changes because they are super-popular, although I myself am not a big fan. You can no longer get the lemon sandwich cookie anywhere, which is a fucking shame.

I really liked being a Brownie, but my troop when I became a Junior was not fun and I hated it. In case you were wondering about my personal Girl Scouting experience. I also hated the little outfits.

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