Sunday, June 17, 2007

118, 119, 120

Last week I learned of this hilarious, rad website: . This website gives you the punchlines (for free) to the jokes featured on Last Comic Standing. On the show they give you the joke and then you have to text them (for one dollar) to get the punchline to the lame joke...they are the kinds of jokes that you find on the sticks of pudding pops, where you get the punchline after you eat the pudding pop. Except in this case instead of eating a delicious pudding pop, you have to pay one dollar. That is why I will be supporting Bill and I both figured out the punchline to What's orange and sounds like a parrot? (Carrot.) I had heard the bucaneer joke before but couldn't remember the punchline. Tos-TADA is new to me but still totally, totally lame.

Saturday I learned that box turtles, the kind of turtles that a lot of people have for pets, can live up to 120 years in the wild. Jesus Christ! That is crazy! They can also live their whole lives in a patch of woods no larger than a football field. Bill and I saw a turtle in Hoff Woods Park, and for a while I felt bad about not picking it up and bringing it home (I thought maybe somebody had dropped their pet off after getting sick of it), but now I know better. Read more about that turtle in my other blog sometime in the near future. Turtles!

Today I learned that the movie I Am Legend (coming out this winter) is based on the 1954 science fiction novel of the same name. It's been adapted twice before, into The Last Man on Earth (1964) and The Omega Man (1971).

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