Thursday, June 21, 2007

123, 124

Wednesday I learned about the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. It is a giant suspension bridge that connects Staten Island to Brooklyn. The towers supporting the bridge are an inch and a half farther apart at their tops than at their bottoms; the bridge is so long that the earth's curvature had to be taken into account. The bridge is referenced in the Rhett Miller song "Hover" and also in the book I'm currently reading at work. So that's why I looked it up. (Total side note, but Rhett's real name is Stewart Ransom Miller, and one of my favorite lines from any 97's song is "My name's Stewart Ransom Miller, I'm a serial lady killer." I'm sorry but that would totally work on me.)

For today, randomly (or is it??), etymology of the word "satellite."

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