Friday, August 10, 2007

173, 174

Yesterday I learned that the word "stanchion" means a vertical support post or beam. Thus, if one were to use this word in reference to those little stands and ropes they use to control lines (think of the ticket line at the Easton movies), one would be wrong. You could argue that the little vertical posts that connect the ropes are stanchions, but they aren't really being used to support anything (such as a porch, a ceiling, or a railing) in the correct sense. So suck on that, snooty post-it writers of the world.

Today I learned that that sound I thought was a mourning dove really is a mourning dove. That might seem like lame learnings to you, but you try looking that shit up on the internet. Googling "woo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo" probably sets of some kind of national security alarm for crazy.

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