Sunday, June 10, 2007

112, 113

Saturday I learned about the size of a keg. From Wikipedia:

A keg is also a standard unit of measure, named for the container described above. A full keg is a 15.5 US gallon barrel, routinely called a half-barrel; a half keg or pony keg is called a quarter-barrel and has a volume of 7.75 US gallons.

A keg is also equal to:
  • 12.5 Imperial gallons (UK)
  • 58.67 litres
  • 100 Imperial pints (UK)
  • 120 US pints
  • 165 12 oz drinks
  • About 6.83 cases (1 case = 24 units) of 12oz cans of beer
Today I learned some things to say, do, and wear on a job interview. I knew most of them already, but it doesn't hurt to look, right?

1 comment:

Jared Cherup said...

And as I've said... Google does convert kegs...

Kegs to Pints

Kegs to Gallons